Rabu, 27 Maret 2013 5 komentar

Permen Karet Tertelan? Gak Masalah

Halo pembaca

Kali ini saya akan share tentang permen karet.
Saya pernah mengalami kejadian yang memalukan dengan permen kenyal manis ini, coba tebak? ya permennya ketelen! Entah bego atau emang gak sengaja, pas asyik ngobrol sama temen, eh si permen ikut ketelen! awalnya saya panik, karena saya langsung merasakan sedikit rasa mengganjal di tenggorokan, lalu teman saya menanyakan kenapa dan saya menjawab dengan polos bahwa permen seukuran kelereng itu ketelen, gak perlu 5 detik dia langsung ketawa dan menyuntikkan doktrin2 efek negatif permen ini jika tertelan. Akhirnya karena penasaran, saya coba googling dan menemukan sejumlah fakta yang cukup mencengangkan.
Minggu, 24 Maret 2013 0 komentar

5 Fruits For Your Brain!

Well, do you ever have a thought about the fruits that you ate everyday affect your brain for sure? If not, perhaps this little piece of information will hep you get better idea and be more careful about what you eat. 
Yes, fruits, this mostly-sweet food have good nutritions for your body, but do you ever think that there are some fruits which can be good for your brain not just your body? well check this out guys.

There are at least 5 fruits which can make our brain better and get enough nutritions for better perfomance,

1 Blueberry

This little blue-round fruit contain some substances that help protect the brain from oxidative stress (oxidative stress) and reduce the risk of dementia and Alzheimer's disease associated with age. Blueberries also contain vitamin C and fiber.

2. Avocado

This fruit contain monounsaturated fat (monounsaturated) which helps the circulation of blood flow in the body. Healthy blood flow means the healthy brain, because blood carries nutrients and oxygen to the brain. Avocados also help lower blood pressure, thereby reducing the risk of stroke. Avocados also contain antioxidants including vitamin E.

3. Apple

Apples have substance called quercetin, it is an antioxidant shown to protect the brain against dementia. Apples are also shown to reduce the risk of some cancers. Apple can be good choice for your day.

4. Grape

Black grapes, purple grapes, and the red one, all of them contain quercetin and anthocyanins, compounds that are known to help nourish the brain and improve your memory for sure.

5. Strawberry

This cute-little red fruit contains antioxidants that can prevent nerve cell damage due to age and can also improve the communication skills of brain cells.

Well, we know that most fruits have a good effect for our body, but there are also some fruits that can nourish our brain for better perfomance and make it free from any brain's disease. So it will not hurt to consume them as your daily food.

Thanks for read
Source: http://www.shvoong.com/medicine-and-health/nutrition/2363560-fruits-brain/#ixzz2OWADJ07j
Kamis, 21 Maret 2013 0 komentar

Indonesia Jadi Negeri Penyanyi

Setelah membaca judul diatas, pasti sudah tahu kan maksudnya?, ya Indonesia negara tercinta kita ini sekarang lagi dilanda demam kontes pop singer! Tak tanggung-tanggung banyak kontes pop singer yang telah diselenggarakan, mulai dari AFI, Indonesian Idol, Mama mia, X factor, dan The voice of Indonesia.

Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa Indonesia telah berkembang menjadi Negeri Penyanyi, yang mana telah banyak melahirkan penyanyi-penyanyi hebat kelas internasional, seperti Agnes Monica, Anggun, Bebi Romeo dan masih banyak lagi. Nah, perlu diketahui bahwa, selain perkembangan ini mengacu kearah kemajuan, namun ini juga sekaligus merupakan refleksi kita terhadap negara-negara di barat, yaitu Amerika Serikat, Kanada, dll.
Kamis, 14 Maret 2013 0 komentar

7 Tips Belajar Speaking Bahasa Inggris

Halo pembaca, 

Pengen tau tips dan trik belajar SPEAKING bahasa inggris cepat dan mudah? Check this one out.

Selasa, 12 Maret 2013 3 komentar

Cari uang di internet? Usaha dong!

Halo pembaca,

Apakah anda saat ini sedang pusing untuk mencari uang/dollar di internet? atau Apakah saat ini anda sedang giat-giatnya mencari situs-situs terpercaya yang benar-benar membayar? Kalau begitu, sebaiknya anda persiapkan diri anda baik-baik. Kenapa? Faktanya, hanya sedikit situs-situs terpercaya di internet yang benar-benar membayar anda! Banyak scam dan penipuan yang bertebaran di internet, jika anda terjebak di salah satu situs ini...........mudah-mudahan enggak ya? oke balik ke topik,

Senin, 11 Maret 2013 0 komentar

Happy birthday dear!

Halo pembaca, Greetings visitors.

Today, let's just talking about birthday.

Have you ever think how the way you give surprise birthday sayings to your friends will affect their feeling?
More unique your way, the happier it will be.
There are plenty unique way to express birthday sayings to your loved ones.

Minggu, 10 Maret 2013 0 komentar

Kesan Dibalik ESQ

Halo pembaca,
 Sudah pernah mengikuti kegiatan ESQ gak? Jika sudah, pertama-pertama hilangkan dulu memori tangis-menangis anda pada waktu itu, kenapa begitu? Ya karna seringkali kegiatan evaluasi diri atau yang biasa disebut Emotional Spiritual Quotient ini diindentikan dengan acara tangis-menangis.

Sabtu, 09 Maret 2013 0 komentar

English-Indonesian Dictionary for Blackberry

Halo Pembaca, Greetings visitors

Bagi pengguna Blackberry, apakah anda pernah merasa bosan dengan aplikasi berbayar yang ada di App World milik Blackberry? Cari kamus gratis susah, atau ada kamus yang free tapi cuman trial? 
Kalo gitu ini solusinya! 

Or perhaps you are a tourist who need some easy-going dictionary in your Blackberry phone? Well this is probably your best choice to try with. Even this dictionary is still in Indonesian to English and English to Indonesian, you will find this is useful enough to accompany you in your travel.

Jumat, 08 Maret 2013 0 komentar

Dream, think, imagine and you win

Halo Pembaca,

Have ever imagine what's under our brain? is there a world called "alam bawah sadar"? 
Yes, according to me, when we sleep at certain time in the night, let's put 9.00 PM, we can enter a phase called dream or you can say dream world.
This is a story when I realize that even in this "dream world" we can do as we wish.
The story start from me as a son of a family and I have a brother, together we have been given assignment to steal some stuffs in a house that my father's wanted. 
0 komentar

Review Campione

Halo Pembaca,

This time I gonna talk about an anime called Campione, well check this out.

Kusanagi Goudo adalah seorang remaja jepang biasa yang diberi tanggung jawab dari kakeknya untuk mengantarkan artefak yunani kuno *lupa namanya* ke Roma.
Dalam perjalanannya, ia bertemu dengan seorang gadis cantik bernama Erica Blandelli, yang ternyata merupakan ksatria merah. Dari pertemuan itu, tiba-tiba muncul salah satu dewa kerusakan yang menyerupai babi raksasa. Kehadirannya merusak kota dan menghancurkan segala yang menghalanginya. 

0 komentar

Learn with classical musics

Halo pembaca,

Do u ever think that the way you learn will affect your result in test or exam? well if no, just think about it.
Ketika kita belajar, otak kita dituntut untuk menerima semua informasi yang kita baca, lihat, dan dengar atau bayangkan. 
Imagine what will happen when when we study, our brain is not in good mood. Guess there will be nothing kept in your brain at that time.

Kamis, 07 Maret 2013 0 komentar

SAO season 2 ???!!!

Okay take a deep breath everyone!!

Sudah pernah denger Sword Art online? Oww man, that's one of popular anime in this year! 
Well, for otaku who already know, here what I got : 

"Actually I kinda find this news a bit too fast and unsure. I mean due to immense world wide popularity in the Otaku society and anime forums, Sword art online is the most popular anime this year so i would already conclude that Season 2 is a Big possibility. Whether you guys love the series or not, It will happen. But i'm just to curious why would they announce season 2 to quickly. Is It beacuse of the Fans non-stop support of this show or is it beacuse that A-1 pictures (the animation studio) gets the big amount of cash to start on making season 2. I would have guess that they would announce it next year in Spring 2013 but to my surprise they announce it already. This is just a rumor so dont get to over-hype about it. Even I have mixed reactions regarding this rumor".

Meskipun cuma rumor, hmm but that's still worthy to wait, isn'it? 
So let's wait together for this stunning-anime together.
