Jumat, 08 Maret 2013

Dream, think, imagine and you win

Halo Pembaca,

Have ever imagine what's under our brain? is there a world called "alam bawah sadar"? 
Yes, according to me, when we sleep at certain time in the night, let's put 9.00 PM, we can enter a phase called dream or you can say dream world.
This is a story when I realize that even in this "dream world" we can do as we wish.
The story start from me as a son of a family and I have a brother, together we have been given assignment to steal some stuffs in a house that my father's wanted. 

Then we together ride motorcycle together and after we come to the exact location, we began to raid the house. The door is not locked so we can enter it easily. We first explore the house for a second. Then when we continue to explore further, we found an old woman washing clothes. She still didn't see us.

I really get shocked, you know in the real world I never ever try to steal anything from other people, but this dream.. what this is mean?

Then suddenly, my brother enter the room quietly, trying to not get attracted from the woman, then he did it. I don't know what thing that we steal, but we did it.

And then, when we walk away leave the house, the woman come out and see us, there she yelled at full voice and  it really get me suprised. Guess what we do? Of course run!! I run first, get to motorcycle in front of the house, leaving behind my brother.

Here I am, waiting for my brother to come out. Then some folks appeared making circle with the center point is me. Panic, I yelled at my brother to come hurry, but the folks getting closer.
At least my brother come out and quickly get on my motorcycle. But its too late when we get together again, the folks already surround us, closer and mad.

Then I realize something, I can do something, I imagine that Ihave some power, yes I said " Jangan Bergerak" or don't move to all the folks that surround us. 
Oh I dont believe it, there are some force that hold all of them, the light, yes I see such pink light appeared from all of their bodies, prevent them from reach us.

Oh I am glad that I can do it, my brother and I get escaped safely.

Disitulah aku sadar bahwa sebenarnya mimpi yang kita alami itu bisa kita kendalikan sesuka hati, jadi kita gak perlu ngikutin skenario otak kita dalam mimpi. Di dalam mimpi kita bisa melakukan hal-hal yang bertentangan dengan logika otak, jadi ya apa aja bisa. 
Misal kita mimpi buruk dikejar hewan buas apa gitu, lebih baik jangan berpikir untuk lari, coba lawan. Gunakan imaginasimu untuk melawan, pikirkan bahwa kamu punya kuasa penuh atas mimpimu dan pilih aja mau kekuatan apa yang bakalan kamu pake untuk melawan mimpi-mimpi burukmu.

Oke segitu aja kali ini, meskipun cuman coretan opini, semoga berguna ya.


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